How to Maximize Your Utah Property’s Curb Appeal

Over the years, Utah’s eye-catching properties have consistently stood out for their incredible curb appeal and interior design. Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Provo, Ogden, and Park City specifically stand out for their dynamic neighborhoods that are laced with gorgeous properties that continually leave onlookers in awe.
If your home doesn’t meet Utah’s quintessential residential design requirements, it’s never too late to undo the damage. Start by gauging your property’s curb appeal. Do you like what you see or is your exterior entryway dull, drab, and nondescript? If you’re nodding at the latter, make sure you take active measures to turn things around.
We’ve rounded up some tips to help you maximize your Utah property’s curb appeal this year. Let’s get started!
1. Go All Out on Landscaping
2020 was a turbulent rollercoaster, to say the least. If your residential maintenance efforts were nipped in the bud, we don’t blame you! As we usher in the New Year, it’s time to get our landscaping plans back on track.
Start by de-cluttering your exterior space. Remove debris, trim and prune your greens, and get rid of any worn-out ornamental features. Once you’ve assiduously cleaned your space, it’s time to spruce it up! Replace dull and damaged potted plants with fresh alternatives.
We also recommend indulging in new accessories that breathe life into your exterior space. Make sure each décor item complements your interior design. You don’t want to deck your exterior space out with accessories that don’t correspond with the overall design and style of your home. Creating harmony between your indoor and outdoor space will help you increase the overall appeal of your property.
2. Invest in High-Quality Iron Entry Doors with Scrollwork
While doubling down on landscaping is important, it’s not enough. If you’re looking to transform your property’s curb appeal, make sure you also focus on your front doors. We recommend investing in high-quality iron entry doors with beautiful scrollwork.
You have full rein here; you can opt for any style of wrought iron front doors! Whether you choose iron French doors, pivot doors, or Dutch doors, you’ll manage to give your exterior entryway a stunning makeover. Prioritize quality and aesthetic appeal, and you’re good to go!
3. You Can’t Go Wrong With Floral Wreaths
If there’s one residential accessory that’s a holy grail across Utah, it’s a good ol’ pair of floral wreaths. While going all out is a great way to transform your home’s curb appeal, it’s not always necessary. If your exterior space is already in pretty great shape, you can get away with making subtle changes. This is one of them.
Indulge in eye-catching floral wreaths that complement the style and finishing of your entry doors. While you can use the same wreaths all year long, we recommend replacing them as the seasons change. This is also a great way to add a touch of festivity to your front door.Place a wholesome “hello” mat along your doorstep and you’re all set!
4. Indulge in Eye-Catching Lighting Fixtures
Does your property feature a pair of banal lighting fixtures? When it comes to maximizing curb appeal, ensuring stunning lighting should be one of your top priorities. If you skimp on lighting, your exterior entryway will appear dull, dark, and boring. And while opting for high-quality lights is important, replacing the fixture is just as imperative.
Indulge in stunning pendant lighting fixtures to make a winning impression on guests. We also suggest replacing harsh incandescent bulbs with LED lights that exude a beautiful, warm, and inviting glow. The soft illumination will add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your home. The outcome? Incredible curb appeal that takes you aback with surprise.
5. Create Harmony Between Your Doors and Windows
If your doors and windows lack harmony, your property will appear less inviting and engaging. Unfortunately, this is a common residential faux pas in Utah. While many homeowners tend to get things right, others fall into the trap of opting for mismatched doors and windows to add a touch of bohemian eccentricity and eclecticism to their home. However, this does more harm than good by making the property appear disheveled, undone, and hastily designed.
Instead, take the time to choose doors and windows that have the same style, color, finishing, and manufacturing. You’ll marvel at the outcome. Not only will your home benefit from incredible curb appeal, but it’ll also appear more cohesive and balanced.
About the Author
The author designs high-quality doors for Pinky’s Iron Doors. The company’s collection comprises a wide range of modern doors, including steel sliding doors, iron glass doors, pocket steel doors, factory-style steel doors, iron patio doors, and more. Homeowners, interior designers, and real estate investors can keep up with their blog for the latest insights into door trends and styles.
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